

I went to Amakusa. On the way we went to amakusa, we ate dinner. That restaurant is very expensive. I ate sea food dish.
In Amakusa, we went to jyuman mountain. This place is very quiet and beautiful place. I often go there in pupil. But night, there is very terrified.
After, we drive around Amakusa. We stay in the car until the morning. it was very cold.

pochi's diary: HOWL Moving cathsal

pochi's diary: HOWL Moving cathsal
I think this book is nice story. I want to read this book.

SaaaE's BloG: Book review2-6

SaaaE's BloG: Book review2-6
I read Sae's book review. I can understand the detail of this book.


I went to shopping to Claire. There is big shopping center. But we didn't buy anything. We ate takayaki. Mayo cheese and salt takoyaki is very delicious. I want to go there again.